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This disclaimer applies to all Hismith Erotic Trade B.V. (hereinafter referred to as: Hismith®) operated websites. Usage and visit of these websites are subject to this disclaimer and, to the extent applicable, the other terms and conditions that can be found on the website. Accessing these websites means that you as a visitor agree to these terms and conditions, you are therefore advised to read these documents carefully.

Use of websites

The information shown on these websites is compiled and maintained with care, but Hismith® does not guarantee the completeness, correctness, accuracy and timeliness of the content. You accept that the websites only contain the functionality and other properties as you find them on the websites at the time of use. Hismith® is always authorized to change the content of the information on the websites without further notice. The information provided is informative in nature.

Third party information

Use of links to third party websites is entirely at your own risk. This also applies to the quality of any products or services offered on these websites. Always consult the manual before using our products.

Intellectual property

Hismith® reserves all (intellectual) property rights and all other rights with regard to the information offered via these websites, including but not limited to texts, images / photos, logos, other graphic material, illustrations, (trade) names. These property rights are in no way transferred to (legal) persons who gain access to these websites. The information provided may only be downloaded, distributed, copied, otherwise reproduced or made public in any other way with the prior written permission of Hismith®. Please note! Products in which a smartphone is depicted are not supplied with a smartphone(s) as indicated in the image(s), the smartphone(s) shown symbolize your own Android and/or Apple device / smartphone.

Hismith will always pack & ship the order(s) discreetly.