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Privacy policy

Last version updated on: 03 November 2023

To read a PDF file you need Acrobat Adobe DC. Click here to download and then proceed to download our terms and conditions.

Click here to download our Privacy Statement

Contact details:
Hismith Erotic Trade BV
Industrieweg, 46B
2382 NW, Zoeterwoude
The Netherlands

E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +31 (0) 6 44 151 251

Cookie Policy
Our web store uses cookies. Cookies are small files in which we store information
can be saved so that you do not have to fill them in every time. But we can also do it
see you visit us again. When you visit our webshop for the first time, we show a message with an explanation about cookies. We will hereby ask for your consent to the use of this
cookies. You can disable the placing of cookies via your browser, this may mean that some functions in our web shop no longer work optimally.