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Payment methods

This runs through our online payment provider MultiSafepay. You don't need a special account here. You can just pay via your normal bank account or Credit Card. We also offer the option of paying for your order in three instalments, which is done via the payment provider in3. Explanations of the various payment methods can be found below. At Hismith, almost all payment options are free of charge. Only for payments with an American Express credit card we charge a payment fee, this is 2.8% of the total amount and this is in addition to the total amount to be paid.

Option 2.

Bank transfer
For payments by bank transfer, we do not charge any additional fees. If you choose this payment option, you will receive an e-mail containing payment instructions. Did you not receive the e-mail immediately after placing an order? Then check your SPAM or junk mail folder and recognise Hismith as a trusted contact.

How does placing an order with Hismith work?

  • Add the desired products to the shopping cart. You will now get a pop-up in the screen with the choice to click on ORDER or click ''Continue Shopping''.

  • Now click on ''Order''.

  • You are now on the shopping cart page. On this page you can add any discount code or calculate the shipping costs. If the value is higher than €45,- incl. VAT, we will automatically ship for free in NL and BE.

  • Now click on ''To checkout''. The screen has now staggered to the order page. You should now fill in all the details. If there is a red asterisk*, it is compulsory to fill in this information.

  • After filling in the requested data, you can click on the heading ''Shipping method''. Here you can choose the desired shipping method.

  • Then click on "Payment methods" to select the desired payment method.

  • Once the payment method has been chosen, go to "Check your order". We advise you to check all entered data for correctness. If they are correct, click the "Buy" button.

  • The screen will now jump to the payment page associated with the payment option you have chosen. You must pay for the order and will then see a thank you page. The order has now been placed.

  • You will then receive a confirmation email from us as well as further information about the order placed.

*Discounts and promotions cannot be combined.